mdoc/mDL (ISO)

The Mobile Driver's License (mDL), standardized under ISO/IEC 18013-5, is a secure digital credential that represents a person's driving license information on a smartphone or other digital devices. Offering enhanced security and convenience, mDLs allow users to easily share only necessary information for various interactions, enable seamless service onboarding and reduce the risk of identity theft through digital signatures.

Why mDL

The field of digital identity is broad and full of innovation, new ideas on how to solve problems come up daily. Through collaboration and iteration, those ideas evolve into standards. Not all of them find adoption, but the Mobile Driver’s License (ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021, mDL) did, with implementations done by around 14 states in the US, the European Union and other countries around the world. Also, major tech companies are building solutions based on it. This makes mDL an important element in any identity solution already.


  • Convenience: Reduces the number of physical cards needed, lowers risk of loss, and offers greater privacy.
  • Privacy: Users control shared information, unlike physical IDs which expose all details.
  • Security: Employs encryption and biometrics to prevent fraud and unauthorized access.
  • Utility: Facilitates seamless authentication for both offline and online activities.
  • Efficiency: Streamlines processes and accessing services.
  • Fraud Prevention: Reduces identity theft and fraudulent activities through verifiable credentials.
  • Interoperability: Adheres to global standards, ensuring compatibility across various regions and services.

Issuing and verifying mDLs with

The stack offers various methods to integrate mDL issuance and verification into any system.

  • mDL credentials library - Issue & verify mDLs in Kotlin and Java environments.
  • Issuer API - Issue mDLs via OID4VC to your users. (coming soon)
  • Verifier API - Request and verify mDLs via the OID4VP from users. (coming soon)
  • Wallet API - Enable users to receive and present mDLs via OID4VC & VP. (coming soon)