You can create a private and public key using the issuer API using one of the following algorithms: ed25519, secp256k1, secp256r1, or RSA. However, please note that the issuer API does not automatically store any cryptographic key material. It is your responsibility to store the key that is returned and provide it in JWK format for future signing and issuance operations.
If you are working in a production setup, it is highly recommended to use KMS providers like Hashicorp Vault to secure your key material. This will ensure that your secrets are never exposed outside of a secure environment, reducing the risk of key compromises. For a list of KMS integrations that are compatible with walt.id, please visit the overview page.
Key Creation
To create a key and get an associated DID at the same time, we will be utilizing the /onboard/issuer
Endpoint: /onboard/issuer
| API Reference
Example Request
curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"key": {
"backend": "jwk",
"keyType": "secp256r1"
"did": {
"method": "jwk"
"key": {
"backend": "jwk",
"keyType": "secp256r1"
"did": {
"method": "jwk"
Body Parameters
: String - Specifies the storage type of key. It can bejwk
(manged by you),TSE
(managed by Hashicorp Vault) and others. Learn more about different types here.keyType
: String - the algorithm used to generate the key. For local, it can be ed25519, secp256k1, secp256r1, or RSA. For the other types and the supported algorithms, please go here.
: String - Specifies the DID method. It can be key, jwk, web, cheqd.
Example Response
The onboard/issuer endpoint will return an object containing both the generated key in JWK format and the related DID.
"issuerKey": {
"type": "jwk",
"jwk": "{\"kty\":\"EC\",\"d\":\"nnITt7w11Gehk_oA9bxOQrz1GGzMECiBNoVejKOn2CA\",\"crv\":\"P-256\",\"kid\":\"fQod7zGbGsO14yVnNT-cslwFyKgEPjKsYHQIfGqQMFI\",\"x\":\"EJHmd2wZpmLCnmN49bQeOSn6NDb8kfeXrfpr1K1U8FY\",\"y\":\"Wxzi0fayJU80JJZOl1-XUrZzEU5AcAQxUdO69-gmBmc\"}"
"issuerDid": "did:jwk:eyJrdHkiOiJFQyIsImNydiI6IlAtMjU2Iiwia2lkIjoiZlFvZDd6R2JHc08xNHlWbk5ULWNzbHdGeUtnRVBqS3NZSFFJZkdxUU1GSSIsIngiOiJFSkhtZDJ3WnBtTENubU40OWJRZU9TbjZORGI4a2ZlWHJmcHIxSzFVOEZZIiwieSI6Ild4emkwZmF5SlU4MEpKWk9sMS1YVXJaekVVNUFjQVF4VWRPNjktZ21CbWMifQ"