
For verification of verifiable credentials, the walt.id verifier SDKs offer a range of predefined static and parameterized verification policies, which are ready-to-use and are designed for common use cases.

Static Verification Policies For Verifiable Credentials

Predefined and covering a variety of common use cases, enabling developers to verify credentials easily.

JWT Signature

Used as JwtSignaturePolicy(), it verifies the signature of the W3C JWT-VC.

Expiration Date

Used as ExpirationDatePolicy(), it verifies that the credentials expiration date (exp for JWTs) has not been exceeded.

Not Before Date

Used as NotBeforeDatePolicy(), it verifies that the credentials not-before date (for JWT: nbf, if unavailable: iat - 1 min) is correctly exceeded.

JSON Schema

Used as JsonSchemaPolicy(), it verifies a credentials data against a JSON Schema (Draft 7 - see here).

Static Verification Policies For Verifiable Presentations

Holder Binding

Used as HolderBindingPolicy(), it verifies that issuer of the Verifiable Presentation (presenter) is also the subject of all Verifiable Credentials contained within.