Registration Defaults

When creating a new account through the Wallet API, a key and associated DID are generated into the wallet of the account. The configuration below allows you to specify the algorithm for the default key and the method of the DID.

If you don't want to have a default key and associated DID, please provide registration-defaults in the disabledFeatures array in the feature.conf file.


// Setup what key should be generated on registration
defaultKeyConfig: {
    backend: jwk
    keyType: Ed25519

// Setup what DID should be generated based on above above defined key on registration
defaultDidConfig: {
    method: jwk

// -- Hashicorp Vault TSE key example --
// defaultKeyConfig: {
//     backend: tse
//     config: {
//         server: ""
//         accessKey: "<your token here>"
//     }
//     keyType: Ed25519
// }

// -- Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vault KMS key example --
// defaultKeyConfig: {
//     backend: oci
//     config: {
//         tenancyOcid: "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<long id>",
//         userOcid: "ocid1.user.oc1..<long id>",
//         fingerprint: "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99",
//         cryptoEndpoint: "<some id>-crypto.kms.<the location>",
//         managementEndpoint: "<some id>-management.kms.<the location>",
//         signingKeyPem: "<private request signing key in PEM format>"
//     }
//     keyType: secp256r1
// }

// -- did:web example --
// defaultDidConfig: {
//     method: web
//     config: {
//         domain: ""
//         path: "/wallet-api/registry/[random-uuid]" // automatically generates random UUID for path
//     }
// }