How to Receive/Store Mobile Driver’s Licenses (ISO/IEC 18013-5 mDL) in a Wallet with
There are several methods by which a user can receive a mDL into their wallet, and all are supported by the wallet API:
- User may receive a direct link, which opens the wallet and prompts credential acceptance.
- A website may display a QR code for the user to scan and accept the credential.
- The user may manually input an offer URL string into a text field.
Irrespective of the chosen method, these are just different ways of receiving, parsing and fulfilling a request URL.
Credential Offer URL
A credential offer URL is a standardized method, as per the OID4VCI specification, to communicate the issuance of
credentials between issuer and wallet. This URL can take various forms, such as a QR code or a link, and generally
begins with openid-credential-offer://
or haip://
Example Offer URL
Within the URL, a query parameter credential_offer
provides the actual offer.
Example of a Credential Offer Object
"credential_issuer": "http://localhost:7002",
// This is the URL of the issuer of the credential(s)
"credential_configuration_ids": [
// This array contains details about the types of credentials being offered
"grants": {
// Specifies how the credentials can be obtained
"authorization_code": {
"issuer_state": "7a76d97f-aa99-45ee-a130-fb6674f699a4"
// Contains an issuer_state, a unique identifier for the grant
"urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:pre-authorized_code": {
// Provides details for a pre-authorized code grant type,
//including the actual pre-authorized_code
"pre-authorized_code": "eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSJ9.eyJzdWIiOiI3YTc2ZDk3Zi1hYTk5LTQ1ZWUtYTEzMC1mYjY2NzRmNjk5YTQiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0OjcwMDIiLCJhdWQiOiJUT0tFTiJ9.MTcBjskpqvzH_rcxrU3G1N-PiK7UvHgZ75cQfYiZsQJBBqgKROAlgxoVaD91oZF3TO00HHersxgZVDwTzXxuAg"
Accepting Credential Offers
For a user's wallet to accept the credential via the credential offer URL, the URL must be parsed and the offer fulfilled. The Wallet API manages this process once provided the offer URL. More sophisticated scenarios include presenting the credentials to the user before accepting the credential offer. See an example below.
Accepting the offer
Accept the offer by making a POST call to the /wallet-api/wallet/{wallet}/exchange/useOfferRequest
endpoint. This
requires passing a user's did
and the walletId
in the parameters and the offer URL in the body. The API will parse
the request, receive the credentials from the issuer, and store them in the user's wallet.
When receiving an mDL, the key for the selected DID must use the secp256r1 algorithm.
Example Call | Api Reference
curl -X 'POST' \
'{wallet}/exchange/useOfferRequest?did=did%3Akey%3Az6MknMppUdsg34t6oPevGDijgB9w9862Ai6Xu5iexjNU2Uoh' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
-d 'openid-credential-offer://<credential_offer>'
You can receive the needed wallet id parameter via the /wallet-api/wallet/accounts/wallets
Display The Credential To The User
To improve readability, use the /wallet-api/util/parseMDoc
endpoint to decode the CBOR-encoded mDL into a simple JSON