Key Export

Export cryptographic key pairs based on supported algorithms using the crypto lib.

Exporting as JWK

Here is how you can export a Local Key as JWK:

suspend fun main() {
    val jwk = jwkKey.exportJWK()
    println("Exported JWK: $jwk")

Exporting as JWK Object

If you want to export the JWK Key as a JsonObject representing the JWK, you can do:

suspend fun main() {
    val jwkObject = jwkKey.exportJWKObject()
    println("Exported JWK Object: $jwkObject")

Exporting as PEM (Not yet implemented)

To export the JWK Key as PEM, you can use the following code:

suspend fun main() {
    val pem = jwkKey.exportPEM()
    println("Exported PEM: $pem")

In each case, replace jwkKey with the actual instance of your JWKKey object.

Note: The export functions are suspendable, so make sure they're called from a coroutine scope or from another suspend function.