
Issue a Microsoft Entra Verified ID verifiable credential using the Issuer API. The credential will be issued using the OID4VC standard and can be received by any compliant wallet ( web wallet, Microsoft Authenticator App).

The holder must use a did:web based on secp256k1 or Ed25519, a did:jwk using Ed25519, or secp256r1, or a did:ion.

Before we can issue credentials, we need to have the following in place.

  • Azure account with Microsoft Verified ID enabled.
  • Credential To Issue - A registered credential (manifest) in Microsoft Verified ID.
  • Azure App - An Azure App to authenticate against the Microsoft APIs.

Now we will be using the issuer API to generate an OID4VC credential offer URL which can be rendered as a QR or provided as link for compliant wallets to scan or use.


API Reference


Endpoint: /entra/issue

Example Request

curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "authorization": {
    "clientId": "<clientId>",
    "clientSecret": "<clientSecret>",
    "tenantId": "<tenantId>",
    "scope": "3db474b9-6a0c-4840-96ac-1fceb342124f/.default"
  "data": {
    "authority": "<IssuerDID>",
    "claims": {
      "firstName": "Max",
      "lastName": "Mustermann",
      "jobTitle": "Manager"
    "manifest": "",
    "type": "VerifiableCredential, VerifiedCredentialEmployeeID"


  "authorization": {
    "clientId": "<clientId>",
    "clientSecret": "<clientSecret>",
    "tenantId": "<tenantId>",
    "scope": "3db474b9-6a0c-4840-96ac-1fceb342124f/.default"
  "data": {
    "authority": "<IssuerDID>",
    "claims": {
      "firstName": "Max",
      "lastName": "Mustermann",
      "jobTitle": "Manager"
    "manifest": "",
    "type": "VerifiableCredential, VerifiedCredentialEmployeeID"

Body Parameters

authorization - Authentication parameters needed by the Issuer API to interact with Microsoft's APIs.

  • clientId - Found on overview page of you registered App in Microsoft Azure. Guide.
  • clientSecret - Found on the Certificate & Secrets section in the registered app. Guide.
  • tenantId - Found under "Organization Settings" when visiting Verified ID overview page in Azure. Link.
  • scope - hardcoded value 3db474b9-6a0c-4840-96ac-1fceb342124f/.default

data - data and config for credential to issue

  • authority - The DID of the issuer. Must be a did that your Azure account manages. Default DID can be found under " Organization Settings" when visiting Verified ID overview page in Azure. Link.
  • claims - an object containing key value pairs of the claims that can be included in the credential based on the credential manifest rules definition. See example below. IMPORTANT: The key you provide in the claims object should match the inputClaim value in the rules definition.
  • manifest - This holds the Manifest URL of the credential to be issued. You can find it on the "Details" page of the credential in your Verified ID account overview.
  • type - It will always hold the following structure "VerifiableCredential, <TheTypeOfYourCredential>". E.g., based on the Example Rules below it would be "VerifiableCredential, VerifiedCredentialEmployeeID"

Example Rules Definition

  "attestations": {
    "idTokenHints": [
        "mapping": [
            "outputClaim": "firstName",
            "required": false,
            "inputClaim": "firstName",
            "indexed": false
            "outputClaim": "lastName",
            "required": false,
            "inputClaim": "lastName",
            "indexed": false
            "outputClaim": "jobTitle",
            "required": false,
            "inputClaim": "jobTitle",
            "indexed": false
        "required": false
  "validityInterval": 2592000,
  "vc": {
    "type": [

Example Response

The API will respond with an OpenID Offer URL, which can be rendered as QR code or a link to supported wallets. You can receive all credentials via the web-wallet or the Microsoft Authenticator App.
