Key Import

Import cryptographic key pairs based on supported algorithm using the crypto lib.

Importing Public Key

If you have an existing public key (in raw format), you can import it with the importRawPublicKey method reference below:

import id.walt.crypto.keys.KeyType
import id.walt.crypto.keys.jwk.JWKKey
import id.walt.crypto.keys.jwk.JWKKeyMetadata

suspend fun main() {
    val rawPublicKey: ByteArray = // Your raw public key here
    val importedKey = JWKKey.importRawPublicKey( KeyType.RSA, rawPublicKey, JWKKeyMetadata(2048) )
    println( "Imported Key ID: " + importedKey.getKeyId() )

Importing Keys From JWK and PEM

Similarly, you can import keys from JWK and PEM format using the importJWK(jwk: String) and importPEM(pem: String) methods respectively.

import id.walt.crypto.keys.JWKKey

suspend fun main() {
val jwk: String = // Your JWK string here
val pem: String = // Your PEM string here

    val importedJWK = JWKKey.importJWK( jwk )
    val importedPEM = JWKKey.importPEM( pem )

    println( "JWK Key ID: " + importedJWK.getOrThrow().getKeyId() )
    println( "PEM Key ID: " + importedPEM.getOrThrow().getKeyId() )
