
White-label digital ID wallet solution to manage keys, DIDs, credentials and tokens. Functionality is powered by the walt.id wallet API making it a custodial solution.

Getting Started

Make sure you have docker installed on your machine.

  1. Clone walt.id identity
git clone https://github.com/walt-id/waltid-identity.git

Chose a Wallet Version

Once you cloned the repo, you will find under waltid-applications/waltid-web-wallet/apps two different versions. The first version is a good fit for end-user/business use-cases and demos where the audience knows less about the ins and outs of digital identity. The second version is more targeted towards an audience that wants more customization and advanced features, such as the creation of specific keys based on various algorithms.

  1. The demo wallet - offers core digital identity features in a simplified UI.
  2. The dev wallet - offers all digital identity features provided by the walt.id wallet API with a lot of customisation options for the end user. Users can for example create specific keys based on different algorithms and link them to DIDs.

Under the hood, they are using the same functionality provided by the walt.id wallet API.

Launch The Wallet

A docker-compose configuration is provided as a convenience for quick-start. It sets up and starts all modules required to fully benefit from the wallet's functions. The runtime configuration files should be available in the same folder as the docker-compose file. There are sample configuration files provided, except walt.yaml which should be updated with the corresponding API keys.

  1. Start docker compose
cd docker-compose && docker-compose up
  1. Visit the wallet


By executing the docker compose, the following services where started:

Next to that, the following services were also started but are not required to operate the wallet. Though they can be useful to run through a full issuance and verification use-case.