Local Build

Wallet Backend (wallet-backend)

For building the project JDK 16+ is required.

For importing, building and running the project in your Kotlin/Java IDE, refer to your IDE documentation.

For a plain Gradle build, independent of your IDE, simply execute:

cd waltid-walletkit

# Build:

./gradlew build install

# Now run the backend using the run script:

build/install/waltid-walletkit/bin/waltid-walletkit run

Web Wallet (waltid-web-wallet)

For building the project NodeJs v14+ and Yarn 1.22+ is required.

In the nuxt configuration in nuxt.config.js, you may want to adjust the API proxy mappings, which by default point to either our rolling public deployment or localhost:

Uncomment or adjust to your needs:

proxy: {
   //"/api/": "https://wallet.walt-test.cloud"
   "/api/": "http://localhost:8080"

Build and run the project using:

yarn install
yarn dev

The service is started on port 3000 by default.

For production build and other build options, follow the instructions in the README.md of the project.

Issuer Portal (waltid-issuer-portal)

For building the project NodeJs v14+ and Yarn 1.22+ is required.

In the nuxt configuration in nuxt.config.js, you may want to adjust the API proxy mappings, which by default point to either our rolling public deployment or localhost:

Uncomment or adjust to your needs:

proxy: {
    //'/issuer-api/': 'https://wallet.walt-test.cloud',
    //'/onboarding-api/': 'https://wallet.walt-test.cloud',
    //'/api/': 'https://wallet.walt-test.cloud'
    '/issuer-api/': 'http://localhost:8080/',
    '/onboarding-api/': 'http://localhost:8080/',
    '/api/': 'http://localhost:8080/'

Build and run the project using:

yarn install
yarn dev

The service is started on port 8000 by default.

For production build and other build options, follow the instructions in the README.md of the project.

Verifier Portal (waltid-verifier-portal)

For building the project NodeJs v14+ and Yarn 1.22+ is required.

In the nuxt configuration in nuxt.config.js, you may want to adjust the API proxy mappings, which by default point to either our rolling public deployment or localhost:

Uncomment or adjust to your needs:

proxy: {
    // '/verifier-api/': 'https://wallet.walt-test.cloud',
    // '/api/': 'https://wallet.walt-test.cloud'
     '/verifier-api/': 'http://localhost:8080/',
     '/api/': 'http://localhost:8080/'

Build and run the project using:

yarn install
yarn dev

The service is started on port 4000 by default.

For production build and other build options, follow the instructions in the README.md of the project.

Last updated