
Velocity onboading commands are available under the onboard command as follows:

./ssikit.sh velocity onboard -h

DID acquisition

Once an account was set up with the registrar (see onboarding), cli-tool can be used to register the organization, using the command:

./ssikit.sh velocity onboard organization <org-file>

E.g. Onboarding organization.

./ssikit.sh velocity onboard organization organization.json
        "name": "WaltID",
            "countryCode": "AT",
            "regionCode": "W"
        "founded": "2021",
        "logo": "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/609c0ddf94bcc0278a7cbdb4/d7a7bc88-c700-4efe-a95f-8d3086bccb9d/Walt.id_Logo_round.png?format=1500w"
            "id": "#credential-agent-operator-1",
            "serviceEndpoint": "https://agent.velocity.walt.id",
            "type": "VlcCredentialAgentOperator_v1"
            "id": "#credential-agent-inspector-1",
            "serviceEndpoint": "https://agent.velocity.walt.id",
            "type": "VlcInspector_v1"
            "id": "#credential-agent-issuer-1",
            "serviceEndpoint": "https://agent.velocity.walt.id",
            "type": "VlcCareerIssuer_v1",

Tenant management

Every organization needs a tenant on the credential agent. Tenant functions are available under the tenant command:

  • create tenant

./ssikit.sh velocity onboard tenant -h

E.g. Add a tenant having verifier, issuer and agent operator purposes.

./ssikit.sh velocity onboard tenant tenant.json
    "did": "<did:ion:org-did>",
            "algorithm": "SECP256K1",
            "encoding": "hex",
            "kidFragment": "#eth-account-key-1",
            "key": "<key-value>"
            "algorithm": "SECP256K1",
            "encoding": "hex",
            "kidFragment": "#exchange-key-1",
            "key": "<key-value>"
            "algorithm": "SECP256K1",
            "encoding": "hex",
            "kidFragment": "#vc-signing-key-1",
            "key": "<key-value>"

Disclosure management

In order to be able to issue / verify credential, it is required to have the correct identification disclosure set up. Current disclosure management functions are:

  • create disclosure

./ssikit.sh velocity onboard disclosure -h

E.g. Create an integrated issuing identification disclosure.

./ssikit.sh velocity onboard disclosure -i did:ion:1234567890 disclosure.json
            "type": "EmailV1.0"
    "vendorEndpoint": "integrated-issuing-identification",
    "vendorDisclosureId": "MSFT0001",
    "purpose": "Id Check",
    "duration": "16m",
    "termsUrl": "https://www.velocityexperiencecenter.com/terms-and-conditions-vnf",
    "activationDate": "2021-02-16T00:00:01Z",
        "vendorUserIdIndex": 0,
                "valueIndex": 0,
                "rule": "pick"

Last updated